
The impressive Mount Taranaki dominates the region’s landscape that is also famous for its rolling farmland, native forests, surf beaches and natural resources.

Manufacturing and agriculture help power the Taranaki economy, with dairy farming and food production at its core, along with oil and gas.

While having the highest GDP per capita in 2020, Taranaki continues to transition from traditional industry to a modern, high-value economy based on the skills, enterprise and potential of its people.

Taranaki’s action plan charting its future economic development, Tapuae Roa - Make Way for Taranaki, was launched in April 2018, helped by a commitment of $20 million from the Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit administered Provincial Growth Fund.

In 2019 a Taranaki 2050 Roadmap was co-designed by the region, for the region to map a just transition to a low emissions future.  

Progress updates on the Taranaki 2050 Roadmap and Tapuae Roa are available on the Taranaki 2050 website.

Taranaki 2050 and Tapuae Roa

For full details on projects funded in the region:

What we have funded

Taranaki stories

Published: 19 April, 2022