Established funds

Find out more about the range of funds managed by Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit (Kānoa – RDU).

Breakdown of each fund's allocation

The closed funds which Kānoa – RDU manages includes the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF), COVID-19: Response and Recovery Fund (Infrastructure Reference Group), COVID-19 Response – Worker Redeployment Package, Regional Investment Opportunities (NZ Upgrade Programme), the Tourism Sector Recovery Fund, and the Regional Strategic Partnership Fund (RSPF).

While these funds are currently managed by Kānoa, they are fully allocated and not accepting further applications.

Provincial Growth Fund (PGF)

$3.05 billion

$3.05 billion dollars was allocated to the Provincial Growth Fund to invest in regional economic development. The government wants the PGF to strengthen the regions’ economies so they are sustainable, inclusive and productive and that all New Zealanders can reach their full potential.

More about the Provincial Growth Fund

COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund – Infrastructure Reference Group

$740.5 million

In April 2020, the government announced a $50 billion COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund.  As part of this initiative, a group of industry leaders has been selected to work with local councils and businesses to identify projects which will support the economy as the country rebuilds itself from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund includes $3 billion of infrastructure funding of which Kānoa – RDU administers $740.5 million.

More about the reference group

COVID-19 Response – Worker Redeployment Package 

$99.4 million

In March 2020, the government announced funding of nearly $100 million to help redeploy workers affected by the economic impact of COVID-19. This created immediate short-term employment opportunities for displaced workers.

More about the initiative

Regional Investment Opportunities – New Zealand Upgrade Programme

$194.6 million

As part of the government’s $12 billion New Zealand Upgrade Programme, $300 million was allocated for Regional Investment Opportunities.

Administered by Kānoa – RDU, $194.6 million of this funding was allocated in February 2020 for projects across New Zealand. In May 2020, the unallocated funding was included in the refocus of the Provincial Growth Fund.

More about the programme

Strategic Tourism Asset Protection Programme

$160.3 million

The Strategic Tourism Assets Protection Programme is intended to protect the tourism industry’s assets so companies are able to survive through the disruption caused by COVID-19. Decisions on funding allocations were made by the Tourism Recovery Ministers Group, supported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's advice. Kānoa – RDU administers $160.3 million of this funding.

More about the Strategic Tourism Asset Protection Programme — website

Regional Strategic Partnership Fund (RSPF) 


In May 2021, the New Zealand government announced the Regional Strategic Partnership Fund (RSPF), allocating $193.75 million to Kānoa – RDU to support regions to make steps towards achieving their economic potential.

More about the RSPF

North Island Weather Events Primary Producer Finance Scheme

The North Island Weather Events (NIWE) Primary Producer Finance Scheme (the Scheme) was a $240 million fund designed to help North Island land-based primary producers that had been severely impacted by the North Island Weather Events in early 2023, including the Auckland Anniversary Weekend floods and Cyclone Gabrielle.

More about the North Island Weather Events Primary Producer Scheme