Port Tarakohe moves forward with $6 million government loan
Published: 6 October, 2023
After many years of planning, the first phase of the development for Port Tarakohe has been given a boost with Regional Economic Development Ministers approving a $6 million concessionary loan in agreement with Tasman District Council.

Port Tarakohe
Port Tarakohe is owned by Tasman District Council and is located near Pohara in Golden Bay. It is the only all-tide, all-weather, deep-water port in the Tasman District that is commercially and practically available to the Golden Bay and Tasman Bay marine farms.
Significant growth is forecast in the Te Tauihu aquaculture sector with additional marine farm space recently consented.
However, Port Tarakohe was established 100 years ago and growth of the sector is constrained by the lack of fit-for-purpose shore-based infrastructure.
A loan of $6 million has been approved through the Regional Strategic Partnership Fund (RSPF) administered by Kānoa. The total project cost is $12.7 million. The Tasman District Council is funding the balance of $6.7 million to bring this project to life.
Developing the ‘Blue Economy’
The funding will be used for the development of a new sheet pile wharf, enhancing and enlarging commercial marina capabilities and providing greater service amenities to support the planned and continued growth of the aquaculture industry operating in Golden Bay.
This is a fundamental step in the Nelson Regional Development Agency-led Moananui Strategy to realise the region's place as a leader in the national ‘Blue Economy’.
The funding will also be used to develop a 'resilience ramp' that will enable the delivery of supply barges to cater for the Bay's needs if other access points are cut off in the event of a natural disaster.
“The development at Port Tarakohe has been on our radar for some years now”, said Councilor Chris Hill. “It is another opportunity to strengthen not only the Bay's local economy but also the wider regional and national economy through ensuring our local aquaculture industry has the infrastructure required for growth and return.”
Mayor Tim King says this is great news for the future of business at Port Tarakohe. "For a long time now, we have worked with many groups to realise the value within the wharf and marina. This regional approach has given the project a strength and purpose as the benefits of another regional port will be of value to the regional economy.”
RSPF funding through Kānoa will enable the Tasman District to realise the potential value of the Port, contributing to both the resilience of Golden Bay and a stronger Blue Economy sector.
What’s next
Funding from the Regional Strategic Partnership Fund is approved in principle and announced, after which contracts are negotiated. Payments are made once agreed milestones are met. These are set as part of contract negotiations and differ from project to project.
Find out more about all projects administered by Kānoa - What we have funded.