Wood Processing Growth Fund

The Wood Processing Growth Fund (WPGF) is administered by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to expand Aotearoa's wood processing sector. It will help unlock the potential of our forestry resource by providing investment support. Find out about the fund and how to apply.

3 funds are available

The WPGF supports wood processors by co-investing in their projects. The 3 funds are:

  • Catalyst – grants to support pre-investment activities for wood processing projects.
  • Accelerator – debt or equity investment in capital projects to expand wood processing.
  • Te Kōtuku – grants to help grow small scale processors of non-pine timber.

While the Accelerator fund is managed by Kānoa - RD, all 3 funds are delivered by MPI.

You can find further details, including funding pools, application criteria and how to apply, by visiting the Ministry for Primary Industries’ website.

Wood Processing Growth Fund - Ministry for Primary Industries

About the fund

The WPGF is designed to help wood processors increase New Zealand’s onshore wood processing capacity. It does this by providing grants for both pre-investment activities, and direct investment in capital projects. The fund is administered by MPI, with Kānoa managing debt and equity investments through the Accelerator fund.

Funding to increase production of long-lived wood products

The WPGF focuses on high value, long-lived wood products like sawn structural timber and engineered wood, for domestic and export markets.

Examples of long-lived wood products include:

  • structural framing timber
  • furniture
  • decking
  • mouldings
  • fencing
  • landscaping and retaining walls.

The WPGF does not fund processes like wood fuels, bio-char and single use products like packaging, or other bio-materials and bio-products.

Biofuel and energy transition projects may access support through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).

Co-funding and support - EECA

Biomaterials and other innovative projects using bio-based feedstocks may access support through Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures.

Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures - Ministry for Primary Industries

Who to contact

If you have any questions on the Wood Processing Growth Fund, please contact the team at the Ministry for Primary Industries.

Email is the best way to reach out, so they can connect you with the right adviser.

Or write to:

Wood Processing Growth Fund Team
Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140