Key phrases or definitions relating to the Regional Infrastructure Fund
Understand some of the key phrases or definitions used when talking about the Regional Infrastructure Fund.
Hard infrastructure
Hard infrastructure the Regional Infrastructure Fund (RIF) might invest in includes the physical structures and systems that support a region to function and thrive. This could range from energy generation and transportation hubs to manufacturing centres and mining operations.
Resilience infrastructure
This category supports projects that improves a regions’ ability to absorb, adapt and/or respond to stresses and shocks. Investments will improve resilience in areas such as weather events, energy security, water security, food security, connectivity, and recovery infrastructure.
Enabling infrastructure
These projects will support growth by ensuring regions are well-connected and productive. These projects will invest in assets used by, and/or generate benefits for, multiple businesses or many parts of a community. An example includes shared services such as innovation parks or supply chain solutions.
An application is a formal request for funding from the RIF. A template is provided by Kānoa – RD for applicants to complete and requires an applicant to submit project information, detailed financial and other relevant information about their entity to help Kānoa – RD assess an application against the eligibility criteria, and to conduct standard due diligence.
Regional Development Ministerial Group
The Regional Development Ministerial Group (RDMG) will make decisions regarding loan and equity investments up to $35 million and grants over $3 million.
This group is made up of the following Ministers:
- The Minister of Finance
- The Minister for Infrastructure
- The Minister of Local Government
- The Minister for Māori Development
- The Minister for Regional Development
Cabinet will make any RIF investment decisions over $35 million.
Regional priorities
To be eligible for the RIF, projects will need to outline how their proposal aligns with regional priorities. Current regional priorities can be found on the eligibility page – these may change over time.
Eligibility for the Regional Infrastructure Fund
A loan is a transfer of money by one party to another with an agreement to pay it back on terms and within a contracted period of time. Loans used in the RIF will typically be commercial loans but in some circumstances concessionary loans:
- Commercial loans: a loan established with an interest rate expected to be offered on the market for the project in question.
- Concessionary loans: a loan established with an interest rate lower than a rate expected to be offered on the market for the project in question.
Equity investment
An equity investment will involve the Crown through its Schedule 4A holding company, Crown Regional Holdings Limited acquiring a share/shares in an applicant’s business. The shareholding will provide the Crown with certain rights, including the right to vote on resolutions and receive distributions and to sell the share/s when certain milestones are met.
Co-funding or co-investment
Co-funding/co-investment refers to the funding contribution to the project that is not being sought/provided from the RIF. Co-funding and the RIF funding sought/provided should make up the total cost of the project. Co-funding is expected except in exceptional circumstances (e.g. when all possible funding sources are exhausted, and the project is highly strategic). The levels of co-funding will be agreed in the funding contract.
The RIF is a capital fund, and grant investments will only be considered under extremely limited circumstances, such as being a project that is regionally or nationally significant and non-revenue generating.
Applicants asking for grant funding will be assessed against whether loan or equity investments, the preferred RIF investment instruments, are applicable.